瓦洛瓦湖是全家出游的好地方. This is home to the 瓦洛瓦湖有轨电车 – a gondola ride straight up to Mt. 霍华德(8150 '). A stunning view of beautiful Wallowa Lake, 鹰帽荒野, and the Seven Devils. 瓦洛瓦湖有轨电车, (541) 432-5331.
If you enjoy historic buildings and interesting main streets; ask about the self guided centennial tour pamphlets of each town in the Wallowa Valley: Enterprise, Joseph, 洛斯廷和瓦洛瓦.
Our Heritage
For a real unique experience tour the Antique Tractor Exhibit on a working farm. 位于桤木坡, 企业外部, 是俄勒冈州最大的历史藏品, 修复的拖拉机和其他先锋珍宝. 预约开放12个月. 日出铁, (541) 426-4407.
Auto Tours
地狱峡谷风景小路 俄勒冈州的最佳路线是什么. Scenic vistas such as the 地狱峡谷 Overlook and Hat Point Lookout (side trip) looks into the deepest river gorge in the lower 48. 它是壮观的! Other local vistas "to not miss" include Buckhorn, Red Hill, and Joseph Overlook.
jdb电子试玩2000是徒步旅行者的天堂. Miles of trails for all types of hikers and more than 20 peaks above 9000 ft in elevation. NW Forest Wilderness pass required for the Eagle Cap and 地狱峡谷 Wildernesses.
Guides & Outfitters
Sit back and relax while your knowledgeable guide takes you on a variety of tours. The 瓦洛瓦土地信托 and Wallowology 两家公司都专门从事生态旅游. 地狱峡谷, Zumwalt, 瓦洛瓦湖冰碛, 有几个地方可以让游客了解历史吗, flora, fauna, geology, 和jdb电子试玩2000的生活方式.
All of Wallowa Country is a winter paradise for both couples and the rugged winter athlete. Some of the best backcountry skiing and snow shoeing opportunities abound in this remote region. 瓦洛瓦河——以深沉而闻名, dry, powder snow; offers backcountry skiers of all skill levels a memorable experience in the backcountry; from gentle touring to advanced telemarking. 它可以是极端的和惊人的.
jdb电子试玩2000商会, (541) 426-4622 or egfrmi.yeojashow.com
约瑟夫室, www.josephoregon.com
瓦洛瓦湖旅游公司, www.wallowalake.net
美国农业部瓦洛瓦山游客中心, (541) 426-5546 or www.fs.usda.gov / wallowa-whitman /
俄勒冈渔业局 & Wildlife, (541) 426-3279